Hacky Sacking In Four States .... At Once!


By: Jack, Molly, and Pam

Today we got up and went to First United Methodist Church of Shiprock.  Howard led the service, but Jillian, Wes, Barbara, and Molly all spoke at the service about why they go on mission trips and what they get out of them.  We met several of the locals and heard some great stories about a few of them, like Lawrence and Frida...

After the service, we had lunch, the team meeting, and packed up to go to the Four Corners Monument.  If you don't know what that is, it is the precise spot where Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah all come together.  We didn't come here to just get our picture taken like the 50 people waiting in line ahead of us.  We came to play Hacky Sack in 4 states at the same time, and we did it!!!  Nobody expected any group to do that, and several folks not in our group were taking our pictures doing it. We spent 2 minutes trying our best to get everyone to kick the hacky sack.  I am not going to say whether or not it happened., but it was awesome!!!!  We spent 15 more minutes shopping in four different states, and then we were out of there.

Regarding Frida:
What a wonderful lady! She is the piano player as well as spouse to Lawrence, who was the Worship leader in today's service. After the Service, we visited with Frida and we commented on her beautiful turquoise and silver "Squash Blossom" necklace and she shared a story about the history of her treasured Navajo heirloom.  Her late 1800's necklace was owned by 5 previous Grandmothers and was passed on to her at the death of her Uncle who had no children. She was so proud to tell us about her life and family and left us in awe of her grace and wit.
- Pam

Frida with Pam
Sunday morning worship

One of many gorgeous landscape pictures from the road

The coolest hacky sack game of all time

Group photo on the four corners

Four Corners Monument

Hey guys! As Jack said above we have had an amazing Sunday full of worship, new friends, new states, and LOTS of hacky sacking. (my personal highlight was getting to say I've now officially been in Utah), After our adventures at Four Corners we came back to our place chilled out, ate some dinner, did a devo, and are now back to chilling before bed.

To update on the drive here we had a 15 hour drive that was both long, but rewarding. We saw so many different beautiful landscapes from open prairies, to mountains, cliffs, deserts, and canyons; we all definitely had a lot of God moments as we saw these amazing views God had created. If you followed our mission trip last year you would know that their was some INTENSE foosball going on all week and Kate and Howard beat Connor and I every single time but one, while we were all disappointed to not have a foosball table at out place in Shiprock our one night stay in Salina did have a foosball table! Where Connor and I BEAT Howard and Kate in a very stressful! but satisfying game.

Now I know you are all patiently awaiting the Bob portion of this Blog... So stay tuned.


Bob's Travels Across America

For those who do not know Bob is a stuffed animal sheep that has lived at LUMC for 13+ years and was adopted by the Youth Group as a Mascot (He is the logo on all of our merchandise and shirts) and best friend. Being he is a big part of our group we absolutely had to take him with us on this trip, and so he is kind of acting as a bit of a Flat Stanley now traveling across the country with us taking pictures whenever he can (He loves his photo to be taken...) ENJOY!

Bob leaving with our group! (minus Jillian)

Safety First!

Bob in Salina at church!

Bob playing Foosball!
Bob enjoying the views!

Bob in Colorado!
Bob made it to New Mexico!


  1. Is it legal to hacky sack across state lines? ;) Glad to hear all is going well after your first workday on Monday. At least you are in low humidity!

  2. And can you all sing, "Bob, bob, bob, bob, Barbara Anne?"


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