Almost Done Here...

We finished the siding and painting!
What a day to remember. We did the usual breakfast routine, loaded ourselves up and headed back over to the church and parsonage to continue painting and siding the back of the garage. The morning was hot but not crazy hot and we worked well as a team! We finished and painted the entire project before lunch, while part of the team cleaned and reorganized the church kitchen. Three of our team got to spend an hour or so at the daycare next to the church helping out!
Our guest for the evening was Navajo code talker Sam Sandoval. Sam is almost 95 now and one of only 10 remaining code talkers. His life story is amazing, serving over three years during WWII in the Pacific before ever returning home.
We are tired, but moved by the people we've met, both those we have served and who served us. Tomorrow, we head out for Mesa Verde and a long ride to Johnson City, Kansas where the UMC there will give us supper and breakfast before we head home. Thanks to all who have supported us and kept us in prayer. See you soon.
--Pastor Howard

Last mission trip I felt as if I had a lot of trouble...because I could not touch the puppies under the car. This time, however, the lady at the church called the dogs up for me to pet them. To say the least, I was in heaven and the 100 degrees weather disappeared. When people asked why two big beef sticks were gone, I told them I couldn't help it, the sweet pit bull was hungry. I also got to help out at the daycare right next door to the church we were working at and the kids there were so cute and really relaxing to be around. I was putting one to sleep, but she kept putting her feet on me and laughing. To say the least, today was so much fun; I had a blast. After we got back, we had a really cool speaker talk about his life and about how he was a Navajo code talker. I really loved hearing about him. We had devotion and s'mores which were amazing! Can't wait to wake up super early to make breakfast and pack up things! - Jillian B
We finished the siding and painting!

Today was by far one of my favorite days this week. Waking up to a yummy breakfast then heading to the church to help Nora clean out and organize the kitchen. After awhile of organizing, we met sweet piglet, the pit-bull. Then we walked over to the daycare that Nora's daughter worked at to pick up Zack, Nora's grandson. Nora introduced us to the director who asked us if we could come back and help out because they were short staffed. Right when she said that I lit up with excitement. We then left and went back to the church for a little, then came back and helped with lunch then we got to help put the kids to sleep. This really helped me not miss my kids as much from work. When we got back to the house we had a special guest from one of 10 of the last living Navajo code talkers, which was absolutely amazing to listen to. To end the night with a bang, we had devotion and made s'mores!-Taylor T
A surprise visit from Mr. H was the highlight of the afternoon!

We had the privilege of meeting an American hero - Sam Sandoval, Navajo Codetalker

Even with a haze in the air, Shiprock is still visible.

Jillian and Taylor - photobomb by Jack.


  1. Hi Gang- really enjoyed your blogs and photos! Thanks for sharing all about your mission experience and the incredible God moments. You must have had a wonderful impact on the lives of many in NM. And even an harmonica serenade...that’s almost an accordion, ya know. Looking forward to meeting the elusive Bob. Praying for your safe travel home. -Karen Fremar


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