The Divine Harmonica

This is a panoramic view on top of the mesa behind Jessie's house (featuring Molly, of course). 

Today several of us climbed the rocky hill behind the house we were working at. We scaled the mighty cliff at varying speeds and to different heights. Upon reaching the top of the rocky beast we saw a canyon over yonder and decided to explore its depths. We were also blessed with magnificent views of the Shiprock and the other formations around us. Others of us also played hacky sack up  there as well, luckily the sack did not fall in. Repeatedly we have been amazed by the beauty of the landscape we are surrounded by. No matter which way we look a beautiful view can be seen. The amazing creation of God is on display not only in the land, but in the work of our youth and team. It has been incredible to watch how hard they have all worked for those we have served. I have seen how these youth have all reached new heights. (Wes)

This was the view of the canyon after we climbed the rocks behind Jessie's house. 
After the adventurous trip to Shiprock last night, I think it's pretty fair to say that many of us had a hard time getting up this morning. Once we got to Jessie's house, though, I feel like a lot of us got a boost of energy just from looking at the amazing views and were ready to take on the little things we had left to do. By lunchtime, the roof was finished (at least as far as we could get with the supplies we had) and Jessie was heating charcoals to grill us some lunch. Jessie made us pork chops and grilled some leftover fry bread she had made us the previous day, which made for a pretty rewarding lunch. My highlight of the day was definitely when we were preparing to leave. Jessie talked about how much she appreciates us and how she's forever grateful to God. She then went and found her harmonica and played "Jesus Loves Me" on it for us as a farewell song. After we left Jessie's, Frank took us on a little tour through the roads and places he grew up on. Periodically throughout the drive, we looked out and saw horses, mountains, and beautiful red rock and sand around us. Frank then took us to his Uncle's house and showed us his childhood playground. We then went to the trading post and all got ice cream and learned that Frank's other uncle had gone to the Kansas City Art Institute as a young adult. All in all, we had a pretty amazing day filled with unbelievable views. (Kate)

        After I finished climbing ship rock, I still had to finish a roof tomorrow. So when the next day comes, I forgot we still had to lay down tar paper where only I could reach. So, to nail it in, I had to lay on the roof and hang on to my life with my feet above the peek of the roof. (See below)
Connor upside down

          Then Jessie (the house owner) decided to grill some pork chops and make fried bread for us since we finished and did a lot of work. While we waited, Jack, Howard, Wes, Taylor, Kate, Molly, and I climbed the rocks behind her house to look at the canyon and play hacky sack. We ate for quite a long time, cleaned up, and loaded Frank's truck with ladders and such. Then Jessie was so blessed we came she played a couple songs on the Harmonica. it was so heart warming seeing her play that for us. After we finish up at the house, we went and visited Frank's "Playground" or where he grew up. It was so cool seeing all the land behind their little place and seeing the scenery. We headed back to our stay place and played Go Fish and a fun game called Assassin. Then headed out to have some Navajo Tacos and learn what our project is tomorrow. After a long day, we come back, did devotions which included the Incredibles about God giving us our own gifts (superpowers). We then played hacky sack for like an hour it feels like, blog, and headed to bed. Peace Out   (Connor)

After we had finished the roof and the lunch Jessie had prepared for us, she played "Jesus Loves Me" on her harmonica for us. 


  1. Mom will be thrilled to hear that you were hanging on for life! Sounds like you had a very rewarding day.

    1. No comment..... I'm still waiting for my heart rate to come back down!!


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