How did it get to be Wednesday already?

Hey guys! I'm back, It's Molly! First off I will apologize that there are no Bob pictures posted tonight because it is late and I am VERY tired because we have been busy, busy bees; I haven't even had time to call home in two days (Sorry Mom love you miss you).
Today has been a wild and tiring day filled with lots of amazing God moments. We started off our day early (as always sadly .... I am NOT a morning person at all) and headed out to do some repair work at the church we went to on Sunday since we had finished at Jessie's house. We painted and replaced siding all day and I had the honor to play around for a bit with Frank's adorable 7 year old grandson AND WE GOT TO PET DOGS, that was a big highlight for all us youth. After work and dinner we had a special guest come to our house, a Sand Artist,  I will let Jack take it from here...

OK, this is Jack, gonna talk about a couple God moments from today.

So most of the men were working on the siding on the back of the house while everyone else painted the front and the side.  We were putting up 12 foot long pieces of siding and the back was around 24 feet (but a little less)  As we removed all the old siding we measured from the left edge to this 2x4 that was running up the right side of the back of the garage.  Our initial measurement was around 23 feet, 8 and a half inches.  This mean we had to cut every board down 3.5 inches.  Well the 2x4 piece of wood we were measuring to was loose and moving a little, so our measurements were going to be all over the place.  In the instant I asked Frank (our supervisor), "what our we going to do with this crazy 2x4", the nail holding the 2x4 piece of wood breaks loose, the 2x4 hits the ground and then falls into some void between the house and the garage NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN.  I mean it was GONE!!!!  Now the awesome part.  Without the 2x4 there, our new measurement was EXACTLY 24 feet, which means no scrap and little cutting required, which saved us a ton of time and effort.

The other God moment for me was a reminder of a previous God moment I experienced.  The sand artist was awesome, he played music, he talked about how to do the sand art, and he talked a lot about his family.   He told this story about having many people witness to the fact that an eagle followed him when his father died, and this reminded me of a similar event I had experienced.

Several years ago, my grandfather died (from an infection related to a broken hip).  At the time, we were at a cabin in Minnesota, when I got the call, I moved to the steps outside the cabin to take the call from my Dad. As he was telling me the news, a little bird with only one working leg (remember broken hip) came hopping along the paver stones toward me.  At first he was about 60 feet away from me.  I started to describe this to my Dad as it was happening, and pretty soon the bird comes all the way to me and hopped on my foot, and then hopped on MY KNEE, all the time I am talking to my Dad getting the news about my grandfathers passing.  I am convinced to this day, that was my Grandfather saying goodbye.  As I heard the Sand Artist tell his story, I was reminded by what I gift I received that day.

Today everyone worked hard, I think everyone had sore muscles, but we got so much accomplished.  We will wrap up the project tomorrow, and begin to pack for our journey home tomorrow night.

What a day.  We were blessed to once more be fed by the women of First UMC at lunch time.  No PB&J for us as we had leftover Navajo Tacos.  They were as delicious today as they were yesterday.  This trip, I have been able to spend time with Frank's wife, Nora.  She is delightful.  We spent some time talking about the Walk to Emmaus - a spiritual journey we have both taken.

It was a really hot day and everyone was working in the sun.  Frequent water breaks and, at least for the painters, chances to sit in the shade.  Tonight, Eugene Joe was delightful.  He is so amazingly talented.  He sang some of his original songs for us, described how he makes his beautiful sand art, and talked about his life.  His music and the stories about his life reflect his strong faith - an inspiration to us all.

It is past lights out so I'm going to upload some pictures and call it a night.  Thanks for reading of our adventures this week.  As is usual on the mission trip, on Monday and Tuesday, it seems like there is so much time and then, all of a sudden, we are ready for our last day.  I so enjoyed our last trip to Shiprock and worried that this trip would not live up to my memories.  If anything, it is even better.  The scenery is just as stunning as I remember and interacting with the people of Shiprock is even better.   Good night.

Painting in the hot sun.

First board!

Pastor DOWN!

Eugene Joe and Pam with her purchase.


  1. Good morning, Mission Angels! Reading my morning devotionals and your blog was the best, most touching one. This trip you have reached a new level for keeping the at home peeps connected to the mission. Love you!


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