Final Thoughts - Updated

Tsé Bitʼaʼí  (Shiprock - rock with wings)
Great Mission Trip.  I have never seen so much beautiful scenery in one trip in my life.  We met some of the most fantastic people, we played hacky sack in four states at the same time, we completed some awesome projects, and we grew closer to each other and God. - Jack

This has been the most fun I have had in awhile during summer.  It's so much fun connecting with God and just helping out people I don't even know is just so much fun for me.  Mission trips are one of the most fun I have ever done and its the most fun thing I can't wait for it every summer. - Connor

This week has been such a memorable week.  I feel like I learned so much about myself and, most importantly, God.  I am so blessed to be able to help out where it is needed.  Thank you to everyone who has supported used along the way. - Jillian

This week has been one to remember from getting to know Jessie to everything else.  It was just amazing and I'm so happy I was able to spend it with these people.  I was happy I was able to get to know everyone so much. - Taylor.

Yesterday's visit to the Mesa Verde National Park was equally awe inspiring as the rest of the trip.  Beautiful mountains, pines, and amazing Pueblo ruins tucked away into rock ledges.  I couldn't have asked for a better first mission trip experience.  So many moments to be the hands and feet of Jesus and work with such talented youth and adults.  Thank you, Barb and Howard, for encouraging me to attend.  The Four Corners and Shiprock United Methodist Church provide faith models for us all to follow as well as the opportunity to see and appreciate the amazing Navajo people,  What a gift to work with them!  I received so much more than I gave.  What a blessing! - Pam

This week was an amazing learning experience for me.  I loved hearing about the Navajo culture from various points of view.  Jessie, the woman whose house we were working on, and her daughter told us a lot about how prevalent addiction, cancers, and diabetes are in their native people.  Eugene, the sand artist, told us how to sand paint to how nearly all of his sand is natural.  Sam, the code talker, had amazing stories from his life and how much the Navajos were punished for speaking their language but then they became such a valuable asset during WWII.  This has probably been my favorite mission trip yet and I can't wait to learn where we're going next year. - Kate

Wow!  How to even start my last blog post . . . I've been thinking for a while what to say, because there is so much I want to say.  This year completes my fourth mission trip and I can say without a doubt that this one to Shiprock, NM has been my favorite one so far for many, many reasons.  This mission trip has made the biggest impact on me spiritually and emotionally.  I have learned so much about myself, others, and about the ways God operates and makes Himself known in all our lives.  This trip I have laughed until I can't breathe, made new friends, and learned so much history and cultural about a group of people I have come to love and respect so much.  Through this trip, I have learned and understood so much more about my Father and God's amazing love through the people I met.  Through all these people - Frank, Frida, Mr. H, Sam, Jessie, Eugene, Nora, and the kids.  I learned how much God loves us and how special our individual relationships with Him are, which is something I already knew but now know and understand it in a whole new and beautiful way.  The amount of life-changing experiences, conversations, and things I learned are so great and so many I can't possibly fit them all in this blog post, so please come and join all of us on Sunday, August 12th to hear our stories and all the amazing things we learned and encountered on this trip.  Thank you so much for all of your prayers and for following our journey this week.  I can't believe it's already over.  I will remember this trip for the rest of my life and I can't wait til next year's trip!  See you all soon!  God bless.  - Molly

In talking to people that were considering coming on this year's mission trip, I said that Shiprock was by far my favorite location out of the 10 mission trips that the youth have taken.  I have to confess to being a bit worried that this year's trip wouldn't live up to my memories.  I am glad that I can still say that it is my favorite location.  The scenery is amazing and the people even more so.  It was wonderful to see people that touched our lives the last time we went - Frank, Mr. H, Eugene Joe, and Sam - and to meet knew people - Frida, Jessie, Nora, and Zach to name a few.  The youth continue to amaze me with their willingness to take on new tasks, to jump in to help where they can, and to bring joy to all they do.  It was especially meaningful to have Jack and Pam on the trip as they followed in their kids' footsteps on this journey.  Howard is always ready with a pun to make us laugh (or groan), especially when others join in the punnery.  Wes and his enthusiastic recounting of the movies that were the basis for our evening devotions brought a new aspect to our trip.  I encourage all of our youth and adults to consider joining the mission trip team next year.  Dates and location haven't been determined but the planning will begin soon.  Thank you so much for all your support - both spiritually and financially.  We couldn't go on these mission trips without you. - Barbara

Safely home - Pam, Barbara, Jack, Connor, Howard, Molly, Wes, Taylor, Kate, Jillian, and Bob.


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