First Day at Work

Jessie with Jillian and Taylor

Hello guys! Today was the first day I experienced working along side the people of LUMC. I helped with painting, picking up nails, and at the end of the day Jillian and I got to know Jessie; the lady we had the privilege of helping. After we were finished at the worksite, we went back to the cabin and got to relax. Later that night we were able to go to Shiprock, one of the most sacred places in New Mexico. Then, we were able to drive back to the beginning of the pathway to Shiprock and search for really pretty rocks called quartz. Therefore, this has already been such an amazing trip and I'm already so grateful of what's to come. - Taylor

Hey guys! Today was so inspiring for 3 reasons: 1) I hiked 10x more than I ever have in my entire life 2) I met the most amazing 88 year old named Jessie and her daughter Irma and, 3) I got some beautiful quartz that I have been looking forward to this whole week! I feel truly blessed to be on this trip. I keep checking my stomach to see if I have a 6-pack from laughing so hard (from my own jokes, of course...okay I guess the rest of the car helped with that too). Wes also talked about dreams and how we need to think about God's plan for us instead of worrying about how things benefit us. Back to the hike, the view was so beautiful and God's creations are breathe taking. Right now, my view is also beautiful because I am looking at a table of pure junk food (ha, mom). Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! - Jillian

Wow! Our first official workday is done! Gratefully, we knocked off early from preparing for tar paper and a new roof for Jessie. The temp hit nearly 100 by the time lunch rolled around so quitting at 2:30 felt very appropriate. We have stayed very positive and showed good teamwork in our efforts, laughing and getting to know each other better in the process. The stark beauty of the area, particularly our time at the monument always alters my sense of God's timeline. I'm reminded that my place in time, although very small in comparison to the thousands of years this area has remained as a celebration of creation, still matters. People still matter regardless of their status or situation. Looking forward to more experiences like today. - Howard

Up On The Roof
The youth - is that Jack photobombing again?!

Two of the bloggers on a large boulder at the base of Shiprock.

Even Bob made it to the base of Shiprock. 

A God Moment to end our trip to Shiprock.


  1. The blog address was posted wrong in Sunday's bulletin. :( I was able to find an old blog from 2016 Mission trip and added 2018 to the blog address in the bulletin! Looks like you all are having a great experience! Keep sharing!

  2. Aha! Found you guys and love your wonderful stories. You are in thoughts &, more importantly, prayers many times each day. Bless you all! Anne B (sister Annie)


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